This video was automatically generated by Soviet-era “Agitsya” Propaganda-writing machine: Vidiot Eyes 12

A video from Vidiot Eyes Project:
Courtesy of Jenny Vogel
The Unstitute is an Evolving Interactive Environment which extends its territory and adapts its nature according to the activities of its workers. Workers are anybody who participates in The Unstitute’s programme of open-submission projects.
The Unstitute wants you, whoever and wherever you are, to participate in a new online project entitled ‘Vidiot’; a word-blend accidentally created by one of our manifesto-writing machines of ‘vidi’ & ‘idiot’, possibly meaning ‘simple video’.
The Unstitute would like to ask you to send us your eyes. You don’t need to cut them out of your face though. Just video both of your eyes for 1 minute on your cell phone and upload it to, and send us the link. The Unstitute is going to construct itself a new wing out of your eyes, built on the architecture of watching. It will be a unique place you can go when you want everyone to look at you, or when you want to feel you are being watched – a sort of vulgar Panopticon for the internet.
Just send an email to containing the link to your eyes, and write ‘participant’ in the subject header. Then we’ll know it’s you.
on Vimeo: